Sunday, April 1, 2012

[all choppy]: An introduction

"All Choppy" is what some people know me as.  I am a college student at an art school located in Washington, D.C.  Not a big fan of school, even art school.  So the only way I could describe myself is just a kid trying to make art on my own terms.  I don't care about breaking whatever "rules" you associate with the idea of art, I make what I want to.  I take photographs and film things that influence my work in other mediums.  I don't always work well with others; for some reason it takes a lot for me to feel comfortable creating in cooperation with another mind.  I'm very shy.  Without art, I wouldn't know how to communicate.

My goal is to keep this updated frequently.  Please understand that, from my experience with me having blogs of my own before, some things may appear vague, I can only express myself comfortably.  I have no real intentions for this blog other than to represent and express myself in a different way.

I suppose that's an intro?  It works for me!

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