Monday, April 30, 2012

get to know

walk the lines
follow the paths
wake up in
a garden
with the patience
to watch an ocean 
take form
some people
really creepy

not really
the way
you should
try to


or, whatever, just stay creepy because things aren't really developing with that anyways.


Sunday, April 29, 2012

the face behind it all
some know me as [allchoppy]

I really cant take any picture
of myself seriously
if you ran away
would you trust yourself
to run in the right
editing old news

I'm a bit indecisive
I'm a bit worried to let people in

safety devises

getting carried
away in
new ways
it's strange
but beautiful
I don't believe it
when they say
these things
don't exist
I know you're out there
it's just...
why can't
I find
why haven't
I fucking

Saturday, April 28, 2012

by the way
I really am
only down
for the

play the games
give me a
get information and claim it as your own
inanimate objects reading on and reading on
try affecting my blood pressure, bitch

upwards uppers


don't be so quick
when it comes to feelings
I'm a crazy person
but, despite that
I'd still rather focus on
the beauty of that insanity
project it out to the masses
maybe even shove it down
peoples throats
so that maybe, just maybe
they'll understand.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Thursday, April 26, 2012

making the chase
look & look away
but then there is this disconnect
I suppose it's a place, a place left in dreams
but will I ever wake to its reality?
paranoia sets in, leaving its imprint on another moment
only to disappear with the sense of comfort.
a little bit about the past, present, and what's to come in the future

cheers to Montgomery Clunk, go buy their album, some great stuff on there

Monday, April 23, 2012

i wish people would just say what they feel,
get past the nerves and the shyness,
look into some eyes and just say that shit.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

[i'm only nineteen]
you realize that the majority of the people who surround you 
don't really know you or where you've been.
oh boy,
where do I begin?
"one because you're beautiful, one for your soul"
it's crazy how we have the power to hurt and be hurt with other people.
sometimes even effortlessly.
even more crazy, when those same people cross paths with you for years and years,
almost as if we were meant to hurt one another
over and
over again.
I only wonder what could be if these acts of hurt turned to acts of love.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

suppose I came here asking for too much

suppose I'm stronger than I thought
Something I need to get off my chest...

I've been going to art school for two years now.  I hate it.
Everyone I know at this school is all about what the school has to offer and blah blah blah.  In reality, this school doesn't offer many recourses, it's overpriced (and tuition is getting more expensive next semester), and stupid things get taken way too personally... the drama never stops.
I know these things come with school, but that's the thing, I've realized that school isn't for me.
I just want to tell someone that school isn't for me without them disagreeing with me and trying to get me to stay here.

(preferably as fast as possible)

I'm not coming back next semester, get used to it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

(I'm honestly trying to find a place on the internet that allows sexual content within video art... there is a difference in that shit and pornography, people)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

got this feeling, know what it means only because it's been felt before... years ago.
something new is in the air.
I am here.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

on a note of bullshit, please chill the fuck out with it.
stop slamming the fucking framework, thanks.
(not after revenge, not after sympathy; play the games.)

Friday, April 13, 2012

a day of expanding the mind, taking risks, and not holding back is a day where new things happen.
& with eyes wide open, begin to take flight.

400 razor blades, this is basically the rough draft so far!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

These days, everything seems to go so fast, it's like nothing seems to really last.
I look back to when I was younger and I wonder how time ever seemed so slow.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

An adventure involving a lot of cyan.

Flash Mob provided by a group of George Washington University students!

I do not own the rights to "Hollywood Swinging" by Kool & The Gang. The song has been slightly modified by me and is only used for emphasis of the video footage. I hope that's good enough for this to stay on the internet as equally a creative work as anything else.

[all choppy]: An introduction

"All Choppy" is what some people know me as.  I am a college student at an art school located in Washington, D.C.  Not a big fan of school, even art school.  So the only way I could describe myself is just a kid trying to make art on my own terms.  I don't care about breaking whatever "rules" you associate with the idea of art, I make what I want to.  I take photographs and film things that influence my work in other mediums.  I don't always work well with others; for some reason it takes a lot for me to feel comfortable creating in cooperation with another mind.  I'm very shy.  Without art, I wouldn't know how to communicate.

My goal is to keep this updated frequently.  Please understand that, from my experience with me having blogs of my own before, some things may appear vague, I can only express myself comfortably.  I have no real intentions for this blog other than to represent and express myself in a different way.

I suppose that's an intro?  It works for me!
check me out, i'm choppy